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Interior Designers turn visions into reality. We work from the inside out, taking into consideration the architectural style, geographical location, lifestyle and preference of our clients, as well as any other parameters, to which we then add our experience and expertise in combining shapes, colours, materials, finishes, furniture, lighting, soft furnishing and décor element to a successful scheme.

Interior Designers not only have a keen eye for detail, knowing what works and what doesn’t work together, but they are also experience trouble shooters. Every design project will face some type of challenges, whether it be delays in production, items lost in transport, items damaged during transport… the list goes on. At the same time, interior designers usually have far more resources than you would have in terms of vendors, suppliers, artisans and trade

This is entirely up to you and what we agree upon during the initial stage of your project. I have worked with clients, where once the concept and the overall budget were approved, they completely handed over the project to me. In any case, you will receive regular updates to keep you informed of the process.

By doing things right the first time around and avoiding expensive mistakes. By working off a design concept and by carefully planning your project, we avoid making expensive mistakes, such as purchasing the wrong tiles, painting the walls in the wrong colour, placing the wardrobe on the wrong wall, installing the wrong type of curtains, buying a sofa that is too big for your space etc. It may seem more costly at first, but having to undo something, such as repositioning an electrical outlet or painting over a wall can quickly increase costs, let alone delay the project by several weeks.

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